I have been having some childhood rekindling moments for the pass few months.
I caught 4 adult, 2 juvenile house geckos (Hemidactylus frenatus), and Senthil suggested i called the remaining 4 after the Ninja Turtles,
so, yeah. They were Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Donatello. Never mind one of them was obviously a female, because she was the hot mama who laied 2 eggs, one was yolkless empty shell while teh other hatched. This leads to the story of our little Brendon (his Godma named him). Egg Brendon was laid on the 13thf March and emerged from his little egg shell on the 20th of April, 2009 (i need to double check his birth certificate on this).
He is this little sad kid, who has never seen the world. He is ever confined to his Watson's dental flost container, and has only tasted bread, and dried scrimps. I am sure he would be cursing me, if he ever learnts how to speak. I promise i will release him some time soon, when he is ready to spread his wings.
Next in line, are my (33 + 7) snails. Giant African snails (Achatina achatina). I saw tonnes of them on my way home one day, and decided to make them mine, with the help of a Subway plastic bag.
But, some strange looking rashes started to appear all over my body, and it made me so paranoid. I couldnt clean the container, because some make believe disillusional message flying around made me believe that the snail slime was the cause. I refused to believe it at first, but the itch was so unbearable, i let the 40 of the nameless hermaphrodites, go. with great despair and sadness.
Not to mention, i had to clean their PS, so often, or they will all drown in it.
They were kinda cool roomies, and i read some stuff on them. No doubt, they have potential. I thought i could find out some stuff out from them. They are amazing, really. The way they move, and i read somewhere, that their slime are used in the phaumaceutical, medical and the cosmetic field as well.
And the star of the day is our little Anastacia,
She was a tadpole when i first got hold of her.
With her little, white mole, right above her black pouty lips,
which seem to be nibbling, 24/7.
Then, she sprouted legs, within a week, she front limbs grew.
And before i realised it,
she was walking and climbing, and leaping all over the aquarium,
the Siti and Maria Aquaria Memorial.
And just now, when i checked on her, she was a little fatter looking than she was yesterday, when i took her for a pasport photo shoot.
Above all, this post is in rememberance of Siti and Maria, my Rana Casteibianas,who died, on a fateful date in March. and Shanti (a common spider),
who drowned in excess water, because she ate a nibble of Mars too many. My verdict was that she was thirsty after eating the Mars, and attempted to get a sip of water, and fell into a puddle of water droplet and couldnt save herself.
Shanti, we will always remember u.
I know this post seem almost like a psychiatry patient's narration.
But, to me, this is my world, my love, my life.
here you go,
Snail crav/ze