Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What's your story?

Kent Ridge Park
Date: 23rd February, 2009
Time: 2004 to 2104
Weather: Rained for about 2 hours in the afternoon, wet, and fairly windy, cloudy

Sam, Enoka, Daniel and Alicia

Stuff from Sam,
Use waterproof paper
Use the flash light, cos i was sillily using the beam lights for a whole 20 minutes, i think.
Get some one to help with the data recording

Stuff from Enoka
Take pictures, because they will come in handy in later, plus i wont have to come back to the site just to get photos taken

Stuff worth noting that night
It was the first time i went out without Dr, Bickford, i can remember the site, but i was almost clueless how to get there. I almost made history by getting lost, looking for my survey site. Phew, good thing we trusted Sam's instincts and directions (like Dr. Bickford told us, if we were clueless).

We saw a fair number of Polypedates leucomystax (common tree frogs), 9 of them in total, one of them, might have been a female, cos it was kinda huge, about 60mm. A Kaloula pulchra (banded bullfrog) and a few Bufo melanostictus (Asian toads).

And at the stream, i spotted 2 tadpoles, which went beneath the leaf litter, 3 seconds after i spotted it,

Plus, it was quite a choir, that night. The Poles choir.

And on the way back to Dr. Bickfords place, by the pond, we saw a Bufo melanostictus. He was a little poor creature which was most likely blind on his right eye. We were staring at that little friend, when we realised his right eye was a little queer looking. It looked as if it was a human eye, like eyes we would draw of cartoons, instead of that of a toad's.

I somewhat felt sad for it, therefore entitling this blog, "what's your story?"

'Cos i wish i could ask Jacob (the name i gave that toad)
"what is your story?"


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